Thursday, April 8, 2010

worst campaign ever . . .

Seriously Victoria's Secret?  This is your brilliant advertising?

Okay, good for them that they are attempting to get a "Love Your Body" image out there, but seriously, I'd love my body too if I were these chicks.  Dove's campaigns were lame, but they look like genius' compared to VS now.  How are these 7 body types anything like the real world?!  Instead of slim, athletic, a little out of shape, curvy, va-va-voom curvy, more to love, and a lot more to love there is incredibly thin, barely there, taking on the shape of a twig, slightly anorexic, haven't eaten real food for 20 years, ready to break in half and the wind just might blow me away.  These people are dumb-dumbs.

I was just telling my mom the other day, I think I'm really growing up! I am starting to feel comfortable in my own skin both emotionally and physically.  I've never really felt that before.  I am probably the most emotional person you have ever met, seriously, I cry when someone looks at me wrong, I get goosebumps when I watch So You Think You Can Dance, and I swear a piece of me actually dies when I see those save the dogs commericals.  I always saw it as a weakness, a flaw.  Lately though, I see a power in it, a power to love more deeply and accept more fully.  I'm okay with it, more than okay with it.  I would rather cry when I see two people that are completely in love than to not see the overwhelming beauty of it.  I would rather know I have a heart and be tempted to give every ounce of my money to Sarah McLaughlin and those poor dogs than to feel nothing but indifference.  I am emotional and I wear my heart on my sleeve and I'm proud of it.
I'm out of shape.  I try to work out and feel the need to curl up in a ball and pass out 5 minutes into it.  My body is no where close to perfect, or where I would ideally like to be.  But for the first time I can ever remember, even when I was in the best shape ever my senior year, I look at myself in the mirror(most days) and instead of wanting to go hide under the covers and hibernate all my fat off, I can say, I'm not THAT bad!  Maybe it has a lot to do with the fact that I see potential in myself now, that I focus more on what CAN be, than what IS. So for now, I embrace this new found self-confidence and keep trying to be healthier with the hopes that this confidence will grow as I continue to grow.

But my chubby girl side of me still cries a little when that stinkin' VS catalog shows up in my mailbox.
 (Which seems like every day! Seriously, save some trees VS!)


  1. I am right there with you. On all of that. The whole crying at the dog commercials, and the whole crying when the VS mag arrives. But most of all I'm there with you on growing up and feeling more comfortable in my own skin. I am significantly heavier than I've EVER EVER EVER been, but somehow I feel the same as you when I look in the mirror. It must just come along with maturity. I'm sure having an amazing husband who makes me feel beautiful helps. I loved this post. Anyway, read my post on your previous post too. I haven't written it yet, but I am going to! LOL!

  2. LOL!! The different body types are only dependent on how big the model's implants are.

    And trust me, I'm more emotional than you. ; ) But I'm glad you're seeing your true hottness. You are SO incredibly gorgeous, and I'm saying that as a professional beauty critic from behind a camera. ; ) ; )
