Wednesday, November 24, 2010

love . . .

yesterday marked six years of wedded bliss with this guy...

(i just had to add this one in 'cause he's so hot. :) )

it has been a crazy good ride...

way back when... 2004 before we even got engaged!
engagement pictures!... september 2004
wedding day!  november 23, 2004
anniversary 2006

mexico... october 2008
new york... may 2009
washington dc... july 2009
halloween 2009
anniversary 2009
christmas 2009
vegas... april 2010
movie night... july 2010
and i can honestly say, i'm more in love now than ever before!

anniversary 2010

i love you babe! here's to forever more! 


  1. Yay! Happy anniversary! I love to see your dark hair trends come and go. :) You are beautiful!

  2. I love seeing pictures of each year you were married. Do you guys go to the same place every year for your anniversary? If so, that is such a fun tradition. (the reason I ask, there the same bed in the background of a few of those pictures. or maybe it is your bed.) :)

  3. So cute! I love it! I also like seeing your hair change. :) Congrats on 6 years!

  4. Hope you guys had a great anniversary...3 months late!! Sorry! Hope you guys are doing well! I'd love to see you!
