Thursday, March 18, 2010

deliciousness . . .

Seriously the best part about St. Patrick's Day...
(image from DodogoeSLR's flickr)

Thanks Mom and Dad! Ü

So on a different, but equally fascinating note... Ü when I googled Lucky Charms, this was one of the results...

Now I'm sure it doesn't actually smell like the cereal, but let me pretend for a
minute that it does, because are you kidding me?!
It says it's a blend of rose, peony, apple, peach, iris, mandarin, and vanilla.
So basically heaven then?


Thursday, March 11, 2010

all the notes . . .

Dear John Mayer...
You are an idiot and you should really think before you talk.  However, I still love you and think you are a brilliant artist. I even still think you're a good person, but I think it's for the best that you and Jessica Simpson are over. I think she gave you a case of the crazies.

Dear Accounting Guys at work...
I like you guys, really I do.  But if you continue to feel the need to bring me a  stack of invoices to enter, fax and mail 10 minutes before I need to leave to mail them, then I'm going to feel the need to karate-chop you in your neck.  I'm just saying.

Dear UVU...
I have always been in at least the honors bracket when I receive grades.  So you can imagine my dismay when I got my Associate's Degree and I am off by .02 points to graduate with honors.  I know it's probably my fault, but I feel inclined to blame you.  Now I'm tempted to drive 45 minutes down and back everyday to finish my Bachelor's Degree with you just so I can prove you wrong.  It's on.

Dear "The Bachelor" and "The Bachelorette"...
Please stop being so entertaining.  I know you are totally scripted and not at all real, but I can't help but want to watch every episode of you.  Watching you is like eating bad for me, but I just can't walk away.  Not to mention my husband thinks less of me everytime I watch you.  So if you could go away, I would appreciate it.
P.S. When I say go away, I really mean please stay and keep having nutjobs on to keep me entertained.

Dear Any Place That Makes Clothing...
What's with the shirts that you claim are dresses?  I have to actually get ready for work now, and I would prefer not to live in pants during summer. So if you could make some cute dresses and skirts that work for us that would prefer to cover 75% of our bodies instead of letting it hang out, that would be great.

Dear Swimming Suit...
You are my monster under the bed.  I won't be terrified of you one of these days.

Dear Husband,
You deserve a gold medal. (Or bronze since you think it looks cooler.)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

and she starts over...

I stress myself out. Over dumb stuff. Like this blog. I always find myself thinking about something and then the conversation with myself goes something like this, "Man, if I blogged, I would totally blog about this. Wait, I have a blog. That I haven't updated in almost a year. That blog sucks. I wrote about dumb stuff, and it's connected to a stupid email address. Plus it has our real names, there are some creepy people out there. I should start a new blog. But what would I call it? I have nothing to write about. But I could write all kinds of witty things...if I was witty. I have a feeling people laugh at me for reasons other than they think I'm funny..." And that goes on for a while as I sit by myself for 8 hours a day at work. So today I finally convince myself I am going to start a new blog. I try to convince myself to just update the old blog, but I have this irrational need for everything to flow from beginning to end perfectly and the year gaps in writing just didn't work for me.

So I decide I'll keep the old blog because I like the address but I'll delete the old posts and change the email address it's connected to(because almost-25-year-old me judges 15-year-old me for such a lame email address). But apparently even though blogger is a google service, it doesn't like when people try to change their emails to a gmail address. So in the midst of my everything-needs-to-be-perfect "crisis", I end up deleting my entire google account which means my blog is still there but I have no way to log in to do anything about it... I love you Google, I really do, but if you take the time to make a page for me to request to have my account restored, maybe you could take the time to actually do it... Just a thought. Anyway, to make a long story, well, long, luckily my wonderful husband still has access to the blog so we can put a post up and cancel it at some point and here I am with a new blog that I think I'm happy with, along with 2 other accounts with blogs attached because I couldn't make up my mind. Rational-me is still trying to tell neurotic-me that soon the old half-way disappeared blog will be gone and everyone that reads my blog (so... me) will find me again!
If you made it this far... I love you too. Because I know it's only out of love that someone would, or could, read all that insanity! And here's some cuteness as a reward... Ü
I really love her.